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About Me

About Alfero Chingono


My name is Alfero, and I’m a programmer with over 20 years’ experience planning, designing and building line of business applications that you’ve probably used. In other words, I’ve helped envision, design, architect, and led the implementation of full software development life cycle projects for more than two decades.

Combining a mix of professional leadership and business strategy, I work with business decision makers to uncover the real drivers behind software-related decisions, determine the optimal course of action and guide the inter-disciplinary teams towards solutions that meet end user needs and business objectives.

I currently work out of my home office in Toronto area, Ontario, Canada and while I’m currently employed by Microsoft in the Customer Success team as a Cloud Solutions Architect, this blog, its content and opinions are my own.

At 19, I began my self-development journey and have since discovered the passion of learning and growing in all dimensions of my life. My general attitude is that there is nothing I cannot learn or do, and I am honored to help folks from all stages of their growth journey!

My mission statement is:

Think greatly, Connect deeply, Learn broadly

and I intend to do all three with this site. Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or on Twitter. Happy coding!

Last updated on Mar 22, 2022 21:20 EST
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